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The addition of Biofeedback to your manual therapy appointment allows me to gather a lot of information about what is going on with your body and your health. You’ll receive a detailed Biofeedback & Treatment Report after each appointment which allows you to see how you’re progressing over time, including where you’re improving and where you need more work. Quantum Energy Healing is also part of your Biofeedback and manual therapy session, which means you get 2 treatments simultaneously for the price of one! Your Biofeedback Scan will reveal to me, among other things, which of your muscles are acutely or chronically stressed. This means that I no longer need to spend 30+ minutes of your treatment time searching for the source of your problem with my hands. (Remember that the source of your problem is rarely ever in the same place where you experience the symptoms!) For you, this translates to a more efficient, effective, and longer-lasting treatment. DETAILS ARE IMPORTANT, as they are with numerology, astrology, and biorhythm tracking. Please answer all questions fully and completely, to the best of your knowledge & ability.

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